Archivo Black Jack here, checking in for the 1st time in 2025 (2025? Damn it feels good to be alive™ — official slogan for The Year).
There's much still be settled, organized, resettled, organfied (organ music added to it), etc., but I can share with you the new Media Diet page for last year. That doesn't seem like a lot. I mean, it's a lot on the page (sheer volume, sheer volume) but it seems like I should be sharing more. They should invent a new month in between December and January wherein humans can properly organize their life and surroundings into something usable before the next year starts in Ernest. Speaking of "in Ernest" — I'll be reviewing every single Ernest Movie starting in February at my movie site. I guess January is my mythical 'buffer zone month' and February is my January. Sorry, this is confusing. Happy Nu Year.